Hello! Elevate an interior design with artworks and art prints. I am always trying my artworks to test them in real life.
A new video to show my sketchbook and watercolors in real size. The practice of keeping a sketchbook helped me in recent years:
to select methods of drawing and monotype, especially for the very difficult grids that I am using. Part of their charm is that they're more difficult to read than rectangular lines, but it's also what makes them so difficult to draw! I wanted to be free from precision and found out how to reach for an ideal without being bound to geometry.
to test art products that are not harmful nor emitting volatile chemicals. I am sensitive to them and needed safe products, I am very happy that my artworks are sustainable and environmentally friendly, with exceptional quality from Rublev's, Kremer or Charvin art companies.
to journal my experiments. The frustration was sometime unbearable and I threw away some them. Luckily I kept pictures that will inform my future work.
Thanks for reading me!